It's funny that some of the Oscar nominated movies were not as good as this. The animated movie section could have done with a movie like this. It has more than a little heart and it is a really good movie. I liked the 3-D too, but it's not really important. Because the movie works with it and without it.When the movie started (I knew the general idea through the trailer), I did wonder how'd they make a feature length movie out of it. I wouldn't say I was afraid, they'd just fill the running time with smaller benign things, but I didn't really believe in it. I was so wrong. The movie always has something up its sleeve and it works perfectly. Great characters, great comedy and a heart that is so sweet it might be made out of sugar!
'Sentiment: Positive 🙂'
I want to give this a 7, but its originality boosts it to an 8.The story is predictable, but fun, but the tri-planar nature (Father-Father-Son) of the piece with off shoots of wife, mother, brother and friend, mean this is truly a film about a family Christmas.Nothing unexpected happens, but I found myself laughing and egging Arthur on all the way! A film that succeeds in entertaining children and, in making the older viewers feel the onset of rosy and sometimes, emotional family nostalgia.A more original plot may have blunted the message, but would also have engaged my brain.Regardless, well done! A good Christmas film to add to the ranks.
'Sentiment: Positive 🙂'
This film should be a certain addition to any classic christmas film collection. As always, Ardman took their time on this animated picture and it cannot be faulted. The fantastic cast of experienced British actors really help make the comedy and light-heartedness of the film which is dotted with jokes to make adults laugh too. The story is very straightforward but the way it gets from start to end includes enough unexpecetd turns to keep a watcher engaded. Ends in a greatly happy note.